Saturday, October 30, 2010


There is a saying that goes “Prevention is better than cure.”
After reading this manual hopefully you are looking for ways to
protect your privacy. Take it back from those who may invade it.
The individuals who are responsible for these attacks will always
prey off those who do not take an interest in defending their
“Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for the day. Teach a man how to
fish and he’ll never starve.”
By showing you steps and procedures you can use to protect
your system from being hacked, you’ll quickly regain your sense
of security.


A firewall in layman terms is essentially a program which filters
network data to decide whether or not to forward them to their
destination or to deny it......

These programs will generally protect you from inbound “net
attacks.” This means unauthorized network request from foreign
computers will be blocked.
I cannot stress how important it is in this day and age to have a
firewall of some kind installed and “running” on your computer.
I personally recommend that you use one of the following or both
if you can.
Black Ice Defender
This is a very user-friendly comprehensive firewall program. I
highly recommend it to both advance and novice users. It has a
simple graphical interface that is easy to understand and pleasing
to the eye.
It detects your attacker, stops their attack and or scan and gives
you as much information available on the “attacker.”
You can download Black Ice Defender at:

Lockdown 2000
I also recommend Lockdown 2000 as a security measure.
Lockdown2000 has a very nice graphical interface to it also and is
user friendly. It does the same thing Black Ice Defender does but
also runs scans on your system for Trojans. It monitors your
registry and system files for changes that occur. Then gives you
the option of either undoing all the changes or allowing it.
You can obtain a copy of Lockdown2000 from:
I find using both firewalls in conjunction with each other works
quite well. As they both compensate for the short-comings of the
Anti Virus Software
This is also another piece of software you should by all means
have on your system. We all know it’s a necessity however we
are all guilty of not using them.
There are numerous anti-virus software out there. Norton
Antivirus and Mcafee are two of the more common ones. They
are all good and do their job.
You can find each of these programs at:

I personally recommend using 1 virus scanner and both firewalls.
The reason is I find Black Ice Defender blocks incoming attacks
and any system changes that occur on your system Lockdown

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