mobile manual setting for internet

Go to Access points under Settings and click on Add new Access Point.
Select access point: Packet data
Packet data APN: bsnlnet
Destination: internet
Save this APN and then edit it to configure its settings.
Connection Name: BSNL GPRS
Data bearer: Packet Date
APN: bsnlnet
Username and password: None
Prompt Password: No
Authentication: Normal
Home page: Any thing you want, for example
Use access point: Automatically (if your mobile also has Wifi, you can adjust priorities later to first access Wifi and then 3G cellular network)
Save it.
Go to advanced settings
Network type: IPv4
Phone IP address and DNS address: Automatic
Proxy server address: None
Proxy port number: 0
Samsung Corby
Most of the settings are same as above and here are the one’s specific to Samsung Corby handset:
Proxy address: Blank
Protocol: http
Secure connection: off
Linger time: Default
In Advanced settings
Static IP, Static DNS: Blank
Traffic Class: Subscribed
Save the settings.

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